Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Idea for Emily's Seizure Bracelets

I saw this post on Pinterest, and I totally told myself, "I'm doing that!".  We still have a couple hundred bracelets leftover from her benefit.  So, I think I will make up a bunch of these up for family and friends.  I think it will be a cute stocking stuffer gift from Emily.

This is a picture of the few I did.  The one with the purple key ring and purple bling is for Auntie Robin, whose middle name should have been Purple, she loves it so much.  I am going to keep the pink one, daddy can have the one with the brad that looks like a screw head, and the rest will go to grandma's and grandpa's or whoever.  Looks like I am going to have to dig out all of those brads that I have and put them to good use again, (kinda got away from using brads and eyelets in my cards)

Here is the link for the original post I saw on Pinterest:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Card Swap on Rashida's YT channel

Hello, I wanted to share my cards that I made for my 3rd Card Swap.  This one was over at Rashida's YT channel:  mmdo112800.  The swap was to make 8 cards of the same design.  I ended up making two sets (I ran out of paper) but kept everything else the same.  I am having so much fun doing these swaps.  They take alot of time, but it is so worth it.  I love seeing what I get back in return.  There are definately some super talent card makers out there. 

I am a stay at home mom, caring for my 4 year disable daughter, and so it feels like a REALLY BIG DEAL when I get a package of "pretties" in the mail.  It's my excitement!  Yeah, I need to get a life. LOL!  Here's the video I made explaining the cards I sent. 

Fall Card Swap part 2

This is a video I did of the box of goodies, and the three cards I received from my other card swap partner.  Letty is an awesome lady, she spoiled me rotten.  Thanks, Letty!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fall Card Swap

I entered into my second all time card swap recently.  It was a fall themed card swap through Carol on YouTube.  Her youtube channel is OneHappyCraftyChick.  We were to make three cards, doing anything we want.  And instead of sending all of our cards to her, we were given the name and address of our "partner" and we just sent our three cards directly to our partner. 

My partner that was receiving the cards I made was Jessica.  Her youtube channel is kyleighsmom012005. 


And of course, I added a little goodie bag for her.

Halloween Door Decoration

Hello, this is a Halloween Door Decoration I made this year.  I used coasters that I had purchased for The Dollar Tree.  I layered Halloween purple and green striped paper and purple cardstock and adhered to the coasters.  I then printed out some pre-colored digi stamps that I had purchased several years ago from Shweet Potato Designs.  I don't think they are in business anymore, their latest blog entry was October 26, 2009 announcing they were closing.
I hot glued each coaster to the ribbon with hot glue.  The orange and black polka dot ribbon was from Hobby Lobby.

Thursday, November 1, 2012